NORTH LITTLE ROCK— The Arkansas Petroleum Storage Tank Advisory Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m. on March 29, 2023, at the Department of Energy & Environment headquarters, 5301 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock. The meeting will be held in the Commission Room 1W06 and will also be available through teleconference. To join call 877-853-5247, Meeting ID: 998 0079 9383#, Passcode: 1234. Or join via the web at:
Items on the agenda include reports on the financial status of the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund and consideration of requests for reimbursements for cleanup operations in Stuggart, Marmaduke and Paragould. Additional agenda items include a hearing for a trust fund ineligibility determination for a site in Prairie Grove and a committee review of cost adjustments from a site in Little Rock.
The committee advises and assists DEQ and the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission concerning administration of the State Regulated Storage Tank Program.
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