Chief Administrator of Energy

Lawrence Bengal

Chief Administrator of Energy

Lawrence Bengal holds a degree in geology from the University of Wisconsin and has over 45 years of experience in the public and private sector. Mr. Bengal has held positions with the Illinois State Geological Survey; as a project manager for a consulting firm on mining and petroleum projects throughout the U.S., and as Supervisor of the Illinois Oil and Gas Division. He currently serves as the Director of the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission and Chief Administrator for Energy at the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment.

Mr. Bengal has previously served as the governor’s representative for Illinois and currently serves as the governor’s representative for Arkansas to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC), where he has served as IOGCC Commission Vice-Chair, Chair of the Environmental Committee, Chair of the IOGCC Carbon Capture and Geologic Storage Task Force, and Chair of the IOGCC-GWPC State Oil and Gas Regulatory Exchange. He has served on the IOGCC Steering and Finance Committees and currently serves as Chair of the IOGCC Resolutions Committee. Mr. Bengal also serves as the governor’s representative for Arkansas to the Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC) where he has served as Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-Chair, and Chair of the Commission.

Mr. Bengal has served as a member on the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) Executive Board and has served as President of the GWPC. He served as a state representative to a USEPA Internal Work Group dealing with disposal well induced seismicity and the initial development of the UIC Class VI regulations for the geologic storage of CO2. Mr. Bengal has testified before United States Senate and House Committees regarding regulatory frameworks for geologic storage of CO2 and other oil and gas matters. Mr. Bengal is a recipient of the IOGCC E.W. Marland Award honoring outstanding state regulators.

Office of Chief Counsel

Chief Counsel

Office of Operations

Chief of Staff

Report an Emergency

If you are reporting a spill, leak, geohazard event, release of petroleum products, hazardous materials, or gases that requires an immediate emergency response, please call the:

Arkansas Division of Emergency Management

Then contact the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment:

E&E Emergency Management

If after hours, please leave a message. Your call will be returned.

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program