Although varied in their specific missions, each of the entities that comprise the Division of Energy & Mineral Resources (DEMR)—the Arkansas Energy Office, Mining Program, Office of the State Geologist, Emergency Management, the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board, and the Oil & Gas Commission—share common goals of best practices and excellent representation of Arkansans’ interests in their respective fields of expertise.
At E&E, Lawrence Bengal is not only the Chief Administrator of Energy, he’s also the Director of the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission and an Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commissioner. In addition, he serves as Governor Hutchinson’s representative to both the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission and the Interstate Mining Compact Commission. An expert in the field of geologic storage of carbon dioxide, Bengal has been called on to testify before United States Senate and House Committees on this subject as well as a variety of oil and gas-related matters.
Chief Administrator of Energy and Director, Oil & Gas Commission
Associate Energy Administrator, Division of Energy & Mineral Resources, Emergency Management
Director & State Geologist, Office of the State Geologist
Director, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board
Director, Arkansas Energy Office
Program Manager, Mining Program
If you are reporting a spill, leak, geohazard event, release of petroleum products, hazardous materials, or gases that requires an immediate emergency response, please call the:
Arkansas Division of Emergency Management
Then contact the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment:
E&E Emergency Management
If after hours, please leave a message. Your call will be returned.
NOTE: Giving us your name, address, phone number, and/or email address is optional. Please note that your information, including your voluntary contact information, questions, or comments, becomes public record subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
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