PC&EC to Hold October 2023 Meeting

NORTH LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (PC&EC) will meet Friday, October 27, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the Commission Room at the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment headquarters located at 5301 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock, Ark.

The PC&EC meeting agenda includes a report from the Division of Environmental Quality’s Chief Administrator of Environment, Caleb Osborne, nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair of the Commission, a request from the Division of Environmental Quality to withdraw four (4) rulemaking dockets – Docket No. 17-002-R, Docket No. 18-003-R, Docket No. 19-002-R, and Docket No. 19-003-R – and a request for Commission votes on two recommended decisions, In the Matter of Mena Short Stop, LLC, Docket No. 23-001-MISC and In the Matter of Pulaski Co. Property Owners Multipurpose Improvement District No. 2021-2; Docket No. 23-012-P.   

The PC&EC agenda, including links to various documents associated with the agenda items, is available online at: https://www.adeq.state.ar.us/commission/agenda.aspx for the public to view in advance of the meeting.

Report an Emergency

If you are reporting a spill, leak, geohazard event, release of petroleum products, hazardous materials, or gases that requires an immediate emergency response, please call the:

Arkansas Division of Emergency Management

Then contact the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment:

E&E Emergency Management

If after hours, please leave a message. Your call will be returned.

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program